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Deloitte Certificate Handover Event for Sisters of Code Students


On January 5, 2023, Sisters of Code students were invited to join the "Certificate Handover Event" hosted by Deloitte. This event was organized to recognize the full participation of our students in the work readiness program, organized in partnership with Deloitte.

Work Readiness Program was conducted for 2 days to equip our students with valuable skills and knowledge essential for a successful career journey. The program covered important topics such as job searching, writing an eye-catching CV and cover letter, and mastering interview skills. These practical lessons aim to prepare our students for the real-world challenges they may face when entering the workforce.

In this event, Sisters of Code students had an opportunity to meet Deloitte representatives and learn about Deloitte, a global professional services network with offices in over 150 countries and territories around the world. Despite their global presence, they also have a vision to empower more people through education, skills development, and access to opportunity.

Our students were also given a chance to express their opinions about the work readiness program organized by Deloitte and Sisters of Code. They found this program very beneficial for their future careers and scholarships and hope to receive more opportunities like this.

As the event came to an end, each student was awarded a certificate of participation to highlight their achievement in successfully taking part in this amazing program. Sisters of Code also presented Deloitte with a certificate of appreciation to recognize their invaluable contribution to fostering the development of essential skills and experiences crucial for the student's future careers.

Sisters of Code is dedicated to ongoing collaboration with Deloitte, acknowledging the positive impact of the work readiness program. Inspired by the success, we are committed to working closely with Deloitte to create more empowering opportunities for our students, fostering essential skills for their future careers.

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