We have asked the graduates from Sisters of Code cohort 2021 why did they join Sisters of Code and how would it help them in the future. The survey has indicated some interesting insights about students' interests and challenges.
For 75% of the students, the main reason to join the Sisters of Code program was curiosity about learning to code, and 53% admitted that they need coding skills for their studies. 13% joined the program for fun.
It is remarkable to see that all the students consider skills they have learned with Sisters of Code as helpful in the future. 100% of the graduated students would recommend other girls to join Sisters of Code.
Our survey also showed a significant change in the perception of boys and girls having the same abilities to learn technology. 95% of respondents replied that they believe there is no difference in genders but depends on the personal interests and abilities of each student. Participation in the Sisters of Code program has helped the students to grow their confidence and skills.
At the same time, when asked what are the main challenges for girls to study technology, 53% of students considered that girls are not always allowed to study technology and 51% have mentioned that there are not many places offering technology courses in Cambodia. Also, 35% have mentioned, that technology is hard to study, and not every girl can do that. 33% of students have also mentioned, that learning technology is expensive and that creates a barrier for them.
In 2021, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sisters of Code coding club lessons were conducted online and we have learned from the students, that only 4% did not have any difficulties while learning online. For 73% of the students, the main problem was a slow internet connection and for 33% it was more difficult to understand the materials while learning online.
In the future, students would like to continue learning digital skills. 73% have mentioned they would be interested to learn design skills and 71% would like to learn more about websites development. 57% would like to learn mobile applications development and 49% - game development.
Gallery of Sisters of Code 2021 Graduates.