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Progress of Sisters of Code Clubs


In 2022, Sisters of Code launched five clubs to provide free after-school coding training for female students in different locations in Cambodia, including Kompong Thom, Battambang, Siem Reap, Preah Sihanouk, and Kandal province. The total number of students in our coding clubs is 73. Our Sisters of Code Ambassadors are still working hard to provide a supportive and encouraging environment and transfer their knowledge and skills gained from our Ambassador program to students.

In our second module, students have an opportunity to continue learning coding skills and work on creating own simple games, applying creative coding methodology. During the course, students will understand the principles of game development, animation, and coding. Our students started to have a stronger foundation in coding which makes them understand and find coding more fun; though, they had a problem with the internet connection and the lack of computers.

We have asked our ambassadors and students to share how they feel about teaching and studying in our coding clubs.

Here is what our ambassadors said:

" In module 2, students can have interactive lessons by developing games and animations with storytelling which makes them find coding fun. Our female students also develop more interest and have more confidence to code due to the fact that they have more foundations in coding with Sisters of Code. Moreover, students are always curious and like to ask questions. Furthermore, if they are still not quite sure during classes, we also provide bonus time for them to seek help. Through this, they can work on a group project and delivery the presentation very well. "

And here is what our students said:

“ We find learning to code with Sisters of Code very fun and interesting. We are able to make our own game with storytelling ourselves in the second module. Moreover, with our foundations in previous modules and resources in Khmer language, we can understand most of the lessons. We also help explain each other and do self-study to better understand the lessons. We hope to have more interesting modules like this.”

Overall, Sisters of Code are proud to see our students enjoy learning in our clubs and find our resources helpful. Sisters of Code aims to bring possibilities to learn digital skills to as many Cambodian female students as possible, so they feel supported and encouraged to join the field of technology. An after-school club led by Ambassadors, who are young female students themselves, helps to build a strong and dedicated community.

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