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Sisters of Code Students Participated in the Work Readiness Program by Deloitte


In 2022, Sisters of Code launched five clubs to provide free after-school coding training for female students in different locations in Cambodia, including Kompong Thom, Battambang, Siem Reap, Preah Sihanouk, and Kandal provinces. The total number of students in our coding clubs is 73. This time, our Sisters of Code students had an opportunity to participate in the work readiness program in partnership with Deloitte. During this workshop, students learned how to search for scholarships and be prepared for their future careers by learning how to prepare their CVs and how to present for an online interview.

We have asked our ambassadors and students to share how they feel about teaching and studying in our coding clubs.

Here is what our ambassadors said:

"Students really enjoy learning in the work readiness program because we provide them not only tips and experience on how to be successful for future scholarships and careers but also offer them real-life practices. Students learned to search for scholarship and job opportunities and practiced how to make attractive and powerful CVs as well as practiced interviewing. Sometimes, we provide extra time for them to ask questions. Through this, they gain more confidence to apply for any scholarships and jobs in the future."

Here is what our students said:

"We are just high school students and do not know much about scholarship and career aspects. We do not know where to find scholarships and jobs as well as how to write a good CV. Some interview questions are really hard and we do not know how to answer them properly. So, this program is very useful for both our academic and professional journeys."

Overall, Sisters of Code are proud to see our students enjoy learning in our clubs and can gain new skills that are useful for them in academic and career life. Sisters of Code aims to bring possibilities to learn digital skills to as many Cambodian female students as possible, so they feel supported and encouraged to join the field of technology. An after-school club led by Ambassadors, who are young female students themselves, helps to build a strong and dedicated community.

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